Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Vinyl Replacement Windows Advice and Tips

The Vinyl Replacement Window Boom
It's easy to see why vinyl replacement windows have become one of the most popular home improvements around. They reduce noise and energy use while increasing your property value and enhancing the appearance of your home. They can be installed quickly without major construction headaches and the price is relatively affordable.

But upgrading your windows is a major project that requires careful consideration. When my wife and I decided to replace the seven windows and three sliding patio doors in our home, we found out just how confusing it can be. Our house is a typical 1960's era ranch style home located in Southern California. The exterior is stucco and the original windows were aluminum. We spent several months trying to find the best vinyl windows for our home. In the process, we learned a lot about the window replacement industry, from the various options that are available to sales tactics all buyers need to watch out for.

We have created this buyer's guide to share our experience with others who are shopping for vinyl replacement windows. We tried to put together all of the information we wish we would have had as we were beginning the process. We hope our successes and our mistakes will help you find the best replacement windows for your home.


  1. colorado windows had him install 5 replacement vinyl windows in my apartment building and was impressed by the quality of the work effort.

  2. I truly like to reading your post. Thank you so much for taking the time to share such a nice information.
    Replacement Vinyl Windows
